We are all humans and its human to love each other. Even the most grueling of the people like Hitler had a romance. Love is of many types as we all know...no matter what the love, it ends up in care for each other or may be care only to one side. Friendship is one such form of love and it also does involve care.
I have in my experience learnt that love is something that should never be expected of, but given. I know how difficult it is to think like that. But thats how world will move ahead. The whole world i think is now missing it and we need it badly. Nobody has time for each other in life. Its not that difficult to talk to someone when you have time, but its when you find time for someone even when you are damn busy, it will show that you care.
Out of all the love in the world, i believe the most important is the love a child gets from the parents. It has the power to make or break a child. A child when born on earth is pure and has no thoughts in his/her minds. Its his living atmosphere that builds the character in the child. A child born and brought up in a positive atmosphere will always learn think to positive in life. No matter what the problem he faces. What a child requires until he can earn by himself is financial and emotional support of the parents. But once he is ready to be on his own, the parent should let him live on his own terms...bcoz now he is someone who has his own tastes and thinking. Trying to force thoughts into him will turn out to be disastrous. This is the time when the child needs moral support to chase his dreams. He should be like a kite at this time. Every time he tries to climb, we should loosen the thread for him and guide him properly to reach greater heights. And once he has a family of his own, then he should be let free to fly for himself. Its not some one who says "Dont climb, its dangerous!!!" that a child wants, but someone who says "Go ahead buddy, climb, i will catch u if u fall".
Parents always do fear that if the child is let free, then they may get spoiled. But it doesn't happen to all children...did any parent think why??. This bcoz of the way the child is groomed when they are young. Children have the ability to understand whats good and bad, and if properly guided, will not make mistakes no matter what the amount of freedom we give them. Its a delicate balancing feat for the parents...its tough, but not impossible. Upto an age in a child's life, the parents should be the eyes and ears for them. But after certain age, say around 21 or 22, the parents should learn to see and hear the problems through their child's eyes and ears and then 'propose' a solution. In this way the child will not feel that he is being dominated, but will listen to what the parents have to say. There is a saying which says - "Call your son 'Mr.' when he reaches your level". In this way, the children will learn to respect their parents.
Upto a certain age, children listen to their parents bcoz of fear. But after a certain time, they can be controlled only by giving them the love and respect that they need. Children become rebels bcoz, this time of transition is not recognized by the parents. And they should give their wards as much love as possible. Love should never be measured with the money thats being given. Try to get their needs done, if it cannot be done, then make them understand the reason for it without making them feel that they are being denied the need. A good amount of problems will be resolved if the children are being handled in this way.
I have lots more to learn in life and I sincerely hope that if i become a parent one day, then i will be able to put these things to practice. I knw...its easy to say, but not that easy to do...But remember, "It could be difficult, but its not impossible".