Hello all,
I am sreekanth here :). Today i have decided to write a blog on myself and what i feel about life as such. You are always welcome to share your comments on my posts :). I am an open minded guy.
Well, let me start off by saying about myself for u. I am a guy with dreams. I dream a lot and sometimes i don't dream at all. I would like to be really rich...really damn rich. And i will do any legal thing to get there. I am a great fan of business. But there are lots of hardships in getting that to success. It isn't easy at all. But u knw...sometimes in life...u have to take risks...or else what life man? :). I am a guy who thinks that you have to act 20 when u are 20 and 40 when u are 40. But unfortunately...it seems that i am not that type and that's the funniest part :D. I usually think and handle things like a guy who is 5 or 6 years older than me. The good part of this is that i will handle things more matured way...but the bad part is sometimes you get frustrated when people don't listen to you bcoz u are talking what u are not supposed to talk for your age. This sometimes even ends up in fights between elders and me :D.
I respect people by what they are to me. I seriously wont care much if that person is rude to someone else. Thats his problem not mine :D. And this attitude has helped me to make friends with people very easily and this has also helped me a lot in not saying gossips about people. I hate people who say gossips!. Its my policy in life to live and let live. If someone has a problem then its their problem until and unless they ask me to help them. May be bcoz of this i am also able to maintain healthy relation with people ;). But u knw obviously, you cannot satisfy all the people all the time :). But i think i have no enemies :D.
Now lemme say something about my friends :). Hmmm.. my friends circle is very small to be frank :). I have say may be 10 or 11 friends who are close to me :). Close means who i really care for :). For whom i would do anything in my powers to keep them happy :). Very rarely does someone come into that close circle. And when i meet the person i knw whether he will reach there or not. I always preffer to keep friendship with people who are in my wave length of thought. If at anytime i feel that they no longer belong there, then they will be out for sure. So that's about my friends.
And yes...forgot something very very important :). I am a really really romantic guy ;). Very very romantic :). If you ask me whether i have been in love, well i will say 'yes i have' :). After all who hasn't? at least in their dreams? :). So i have also been in love :). I have had infatuations too, but true love; only once...just once and i enjoyed every moment of it, until one day i had to drop it...ya...like may be everyone else, i also dropped it :D. Excuses for dropping it are well, are not mine. And i wont say its her fault too :). We both just chose which was best for both of us.. :). But she will always have a position in my heart that no one else can take :). So my instruction to all those who wanna fall in love, don't go for it until you are say 26 or 27 when it comes to boys and 22 or 23 for girls :D...bcoz if u are really in love, then don't wait, just go ahead and get him/her :).
Well, now thats a taste of the real me for u :). If u wanna know more, just keep following my posts and you will know in time.... :).
great sreee....really great...
good one
good one
hey i really likd wt u wrote...simple thoughts...wth simpl meaning...bt it ws cleared..wt u hav wrtn it ws jst amazing...i really appreciate u 4 ths...frm my heart................ur frnd priya................
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